Data Warehouse
for EMC Hospitals
EMC Szpitale is Poland’s largest owner of hospitals on the market of private medical services. We take care of the inhabitants of the following voivodships: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Śląskie and Mazowieckie. Most patients use our services under the National Health Fund. The EMC Group is part of the international holding company of hospitals and clinics Penta Hospitals International.

EMC Szpitale is the largest owner of hospitals in Poland on the private medical services market. It takes care of the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Zachodniopomorskie, Pomorskie, Śląskie and Mazowieckie.
Most patients use our services under the National Health Fund. The EMC Group is part of the international Penta Hospitals International holding of hospitals and clinics.
- EMC Szpitale
EMC Szpitale comprises 10 hospitals and 18 specialist clinics; these units are diversified in terms of geographical location as well as business profile and IT systems used.
With such a large scale of EMC’s operations, hospitals face challenges related to ongoing monitoring of the activities of hospitals and clinics, budget planning, verification of the status of contracts, etc. The needs of the analytical department or reporting for the needs of the management board are also significant.
During the analysis of the client’s needs, it was established that there is a necessity to create an integrated repository of analytical data common to all units of the entity. The repository could be used both for current controlling and budget activities as well as be the main source of data for analysts and statisticians.

The result of the pilot project was, in the first stage, the design of analytical models and reporting dashboards for the entire entity.
In the next step, the models were supplied with data for one of the entity’s units.
As a result, EMC Szpitale obtained an analytical tool and a set of ready-made reports launched for one unit, as well as a project to launch a data warehouse system for the entire entity.